Saturday, April 13, 2013

Letter P,Q and R Weeks

Letter P week was "Perfect". We learned about polar bears and penguins to go along with our winter weather.

Letter Q week: We learned about Queens in our fairy tale unit!
Letter R Week. We did  a creative writing called " What I saw on my rocket ship trip".

Letter O Week

This week was letter O week. We learned about octopus and their many legs. We made " Octopus Dogs" in the kitchen.

 We also made snowmen and talked about winter weather. We talked about small, medium and large as we placed our snowmen on the paper in order.

Letter N Week

This week we read the Napping House with sequencing activities.

We also learned about nursery rhymes. We made " Old Mother's Hubbard" and filled it with healthy food.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Letter M Week * Memories with Mommy

This week was letter M week. We enjoyed painting with the Pottery Place while enjoying our Memories with Mommy!

Letter L Week

Letter L Week has been lovely :) We had so much fun with our "Lion " Party with the M,W,F Class.
We played games, made lions from paper plates and had a yummy lion treat with rice cakes and cream cheese.
We also had lots of fun making Sugar cone Christmas Trees and Gingerbread Scented paintings.

Letter K Week

Letter K Week has been a very great week. We had a field trip to the Clay Center. Thank you to all the parents that attended and helped out. We couldn't have done it without you.
This week we started our Christmas activities. We read Where is Santa Bear? and started discussing the birth of Jesus.
We made Kangaroos for letter K and Jesus is " King" candy canes.
                                                      Kangaroo Cut and Paste Activity
                                                           Jesus is King Watercolors

                                                              Clay Center Trip Photos