Friday, November 9, 2012

Letter J Week

                                                                  Letter J week:

                                 We colored Cornucopias and talked about how we can be thankful.

                                     We started discussing the Creation of Sun, Moon and Stars.

                                                     We made Jellyfish for Letter J.

       We talked about different tools and what they are used for. We painted with hammers on our "houses".

  We enjoyed " Game Day" lunch-bunch. We played board games, such as Candy Land and Chutes and Ladders, we played Hop Scotch and enjoyed active games, such as Bean Bag Boogie and Freeze Dance.

We had a great week. Next week there is no school on Monday and Thanksgiving parties are on Thursday and Friday. We also have Clay Center Trips planned the week after Thanksgiving break. Please, if you are a parent in the Tuesday- Thursday Class plan on attending or see if someone can accompany or child on this trip. Thanks and Have a Great Weekend!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Letter I Week

                                  Letter I Week was a very busy and unique week.
             Not only did we have Halloween parties but we also had our very first snow day.

                                    Here are the pictures from decorating pumpkins:

       We also made Igloo paintings in M-W-F class for letter I. This was very fitting with our chilly week!
                                                        We also made Indian corn!

                                            We also started our new Tool/ Construction Unit!

Wow! I can't believe November is already here! It is a very short and busy month. Please make sure you mark dates on your calendars. Newsletters have went home so please make sure you are reading them. Thanks to Ellen Foster ( Jackson's Mom) and Juanita ( Penny's Grandma) for getting things ready for our parties!

Letter H Week

Letter H week was a great week. Here is what we did in our classes.

 In our M-W-F Classes we learned about Hives and how bees make honey in the hives. We made our own hives out of honeycomb cereal, which some were broken or misshaped and those had to be eaten :)

We also made Handprint spiders and practiced our web making skills with yarn and plates.

                    In our Tuesday, Thursday class we made hippos with mini marshmallows for teeth.

                      We also went on a leaf hunt outside to collect leaves and place in our leaf book.

Letter G Week

Letter G Week was lots of fun. Tuesday, Thursday class learned about feelings through the " Grouchy Ladybug" by Eric Carle.

We also used stickers to work on our fine motor skills. Stickers are a great way to get them to improve on their pincer grasp and a easy activity to do at home.

We also made handprint trees for our nature unit and ghosts for Halloween.

In the Monday, Wednesday, Friday class we made grapes out of purple paint and bubblewrap.

We also used watercolors to paint giraffes and talked about how God made giraffes with long necks and tongues so that they can eat leaves off of tall trees.
                    We also continued to talk about Balaam and his donkey and Apples for our units.