Friday, September 21, 2012

Letter D Week

This week seems to have zoomed right by. We have been so busy. This week we introduced Letter D. We also continued learning about Western Theme/ Pockets Theme. We are still working on Creation Day 2 and Noah's Ark.
We also had Doughnuts with Daddy and I think everyone enjoyed that.

                                                      Our " Western Cowboy" Crew

                                      We lasso (yarn looped into a lasso) painted our cows.
                                            We made our own "Dinosaur Soap" for letter D.
      We had our first visit to the computer lab. We searched for dinosaurs and played Dinosaur Train learning games on PBS. We also watched Doc McStuffins on Disney, since it started with letter D. 

We read " I Ain't Gonna Paint No More". First we took off our socks and shoes, got out the paint brushes and " pretend painted" ourselves just like the little boy in the book.
Then we painted ourselves, mostly just feet but some painted their arms and legs. Then we made ghosts out of our footprints. Check out the upcoming bulletin board to see if you can spot your little ones tootsies.

                                                     Doughnuts with Daddy Story Time.

                                         It was another GREAT week!!!! Letter E next week!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Letter C Week Review

Well this has been a very busy week. We have studied letter C, Western (M,W,F Class) Pocket (T,Th Class) Themes and learned about Noah's Ark or Creation Day 2. This week we really learned through play.
                              We made play-dough cactus and discussed how they looked and felt.
              We glued pipe cleaners on our cactus drawings to talk about their shape and spines (needles).

 We brought the story " Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs" to life by having sensory play in spaghetti noodles.
 We read " If you give a cat a cupcake..." and used math and science skills to make our own cupcakes.

We played " Alphabet Soup". You had to find the letter C and put it in your bowl. This was a big hit because it doubled as water play too!

Thanks to all who came out to the parade and a special thanks to Sunee and Tye for driving us in the parade. Without parent support we could not make everything possible. The children had a great time!

Next week: We have the book fair and Donuts w/ Daddy!!!!!

Friday, September 7, 2012

This Week's Update- Letter B

We had a very busy and short week. We had our first lunch bunch ( water day) and our first field trip ( Library).
We learned about Letter B, introduced our new themes: Western ( M,W,F ) and Pockets ( T-Th).
Next Week: Thursday we have the Barboursville Parade! Let's try to get all decked out in our Western Gear! Pull out the boots, hats and bandana's and wear your preschool shirt. If any parents would like to decorate some posters please let me know. I'd like to get several western " wanted" posters made up for our float/ tractor. Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Letter B * Balloon Round Up *

The past two days we have been learning about letter B. This is a game that we played with the MWF class to see if we could recognize letter B. We talked about what letter B looks like and what items start with letter B, such as, Balloons.
They had to find a letter B Balloon when the music started. At the end of the music they would hold up their letter B Balloon. Not all balloons had a letter B so they had to be able to recognize it. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Letter A and Much More

This week we introduced Letter A. We made Ants and talked about how God can use even the smallest creatures to do big things. We also made Alligators using our fine motor skills. We practiced how to properly hold and use a pair of scissors and with help the children were able to cut.
We introduced helpers out our helper pond, such as, line leader, snack helper, weather helper and calendar helper.
We talked about Jonah and the Whale and in the Tuesday- Thursday class we talked about God creating Day and Night.
We had Jonah and the Whale puppets and a yummy cookie creation treat showing what God created.
We had a very exciting week and next comes September with new lessons and activities!