Friday, September 14, 2012

Letter C Week Review

Well this has been a very busy week. We have studied letter C, Western (M,W,F Class) Pocket (T,Th Class) Themes and learned about Noah's Ark or Creation Day 2. This week we really learned through play.
                              We made play-dough cactus and discussed how they looked and felt.
              We glued pipe cleaners on our cactus drawings to talk about their shape and spines (needles).

 We brought the story " Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs" to life by having sensory play in spaghetti noodles.
 We read " If you give a cat a cupcake..." and used math and science skills to make our own cupcakes.

We played " Alphabet Soup". You had to find the letter C and put it in your bowl. This was a big hit because it doubled as water play too!

Thanks to all who came out to the parade and a special thanks to Sunee and Tye for driving us in the parade. Without parent support we could not make everything possible. The children had a great time!

Next week: We have the book fair and Donuts w/ Daddy!!!!!

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