Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Getting Ready For Fall!

We did not have a letter this week. I hope that everyone enjoyed having an extra day off for Columbus Day. Everyone did great at pictures and I am excited to see how they will turn out.
This week we focused on Fall, Apples, Balaam and the Talking Donkey and Creation Day 3.

 We played a spider game to practice our balancing. You had to pick up the spiders while trying to stay on the web.

                           We started our October bulletin board, " Orange You Glad It's October".

We discussed what animals live in trees. Then we colored and glued our animals in the tree to make a lovely fall scene.

                             We made Balaam's donkey talk as we cut, colored and glued our donkeys.

We had a very productive week even though it was a short one. Next week is letter G.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Monday, Wednesday, Friday Class Heritage Farm Trip

I wanted to include some of the pictures I had taken at Heritage Farms in case you were not able to accompany your child on the trip. We had a great time at the petting zoo, wagon rides and the barn activities that we took part in.

                                            Learning about the turtles, Harriett and Franklin.

                                                           Bailey feeding the sheep.

                                                        Zac looking at the birds nest.

                                                      Gunnar grinding corn into cornmeal.

                                                        Listening about the farm chores.

                                                         Darcy enjoying the wagon ride.

                                                          Feeding the horse, Maddie.

                                                     Feeding the donkeys, Jack and Jenny.

                                                 Gunnar and Savannah on the red caboose.

                                                     Zac and Bailey looking at the goats.

                                                                Petting the ducks.

                                                            Jackson petting the duck.

                                                           Jordan shucking the corn.

                                                             Zac churning the butter.

                                                 Jordan and his mamaw on the wagon ride.

                                                                Joey petting the bunny.

Tuesday Thursday Trip to Heritage Farm

I wanted to include some of the pictures I had taken at Heritage Farms in case you were not able to accompany your child on the trip. We had a great time at the petting zoo, wagon rides and the barn activities that we took part in.

                                                     Cooper and Susie the silky chicken.

                                                       Penny petting Ruby the bunny.

                                                           Mathias petting a bunny.

                                                 Penny pumping water in the bucket.

                                                             Elliott churning butter.

                                                            Elliott by the washboard.

                                                      Learning about farm chores.

                                                             Sitting in the old house.

                                            The llama trying to give Sunee's papaw a kiss. :)

                                                    Checking out the old country store.

                                                              Mathias on the porch.

                                                             Sunee on the playground.

                                                              Elliott on the playground.

                                                                Elliott petting the turtle.

                                                            Sunee watching the goats.

                                                           Checking out the feathers.

                                                                Milking the cow.

                                                              Elliott pumping water.

                                                             Sunee milking the cow.

                                                     Elliott and Cooper sitting in the house.

Letter F Week

Letter F week was a super Fun Week. We had a trip to Heritage Farms, started our new units: Nature ( Tues. Thurs. classes ) and Pumpkins & Apples (M-W-F), and also started new Bible Stories: Creation Day 3 ( Tues Thurs.) and Balaam and the Talking Donkey (M-W-F).

                                Our Story Stretcher This Week: Mrs. Wishy Washy's Farm
             Our barn and animals got really clean just like Mrs. Wishy Washy's Animals in the story.

                                 We worked on eye hand co-ordination with raking leaves into a pile.

                   We had a great activity during circle time with " The Old Lady that Swallowed a Fly"
                                                They loved to feed the animals to our "old lady".

                                                         We sorted flowers by their colors.

                 We also finished our " Cowboy Cookbooks" Thank you to all the parents that participated!

                               Reminder: No school on Monday. Picture Day is Thursday and Friday!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Letter E Week was "Egg-cellent"

Letter E Week was a very Exciting Week even though we had several friends out sick. We are so glad that everyone is feeling better and back on schedule.

                                                  We made Elephants using recycled Cd's.

We made " mosaic" Elmer elephants.They looked so pretty on the window. If you haven't read the Elmer book you'll have to. The kids loved it at story time. That was our " story stretcher" for the week!

                  We did an eggcellent experiment. We placed 2 eggs in vinegar in a tightly sealed container.

Then we left them there for 2 days. Here was our conclusion!
2 Hours: Noticed Bubbles covered the shells.
1 day: Shell was dissolved and the egg was translucent.
2 days: Egg was rubbery on the outside but we soon realized the egg was still raw on the inside.

                             We also practiced our cutting, gluing and figuring out what started with letter E.

We finished up our western unit with armadillo's. The spaghetti noodles were to explain how it's shell was very hard. We glued them onto the armadillo's shell.

They also loved the sensory play with " Ivory Clouds". It's just an ivory bar of soap that has been heated in the microwave. It makes it very fluffy and a great texture to play with.

Finally we made Earth paintings with shaving cream paint to give it texture. We swirled blue and green to make our earth. We talked about how the blue is the waters and the green is the land.

                                             Heritage Farms trips on Thursday and Friday.