Friday, October 5, 2012

Letter F Week

Letter F week was a super Fun Week. We had a trip to Heritage Farms, started our new units: Nature ( Tues. Thurs. classes ) and Pumpkins & Apples (M-W-F), and also started new Bible Stories: Creation Day 3 ( Tues Thurs.) and Balaam and the Talking Donkey (M-W-F).

                                Our Story Stretcher This Week: Mrs. Wishy Washy's Farm
             Our barn and animals got really clean just like Mrs. Wishy Washy's Animals in the story.

                                 We worked on eye hand co-ordination with raking leaves into a pile.

                   We had a great activity during circle time with " The Old Lady that Swallowed a Fly"
                                                They loved to feed the animals to our "old lady".

                                                         We sorted flowers by their colors.

                 We also finished our " Cowboy Cookbooks" Thank you to all the parents that participated!

                               Reminder: No school on Monday. Picture Day is Thursday and Friday!

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