Friday, October 5, 2012

Monday, Wednesday, Friday Class Heritage Farm Trip

I wanted to include some of the pictures I had taken at Heritage Farms in case you were not able to accompany your child on the trip. We had a great time at the petting zoo, wagon rides and the barn activities that we took part in.

                                            Learning about the turtles, Harriett and Franklin.

                                                           Bailey feeding the sheep.

                                                        Zac looking at the birds nest.

                                                      Gunnar grinding corn into cornmeal.

                                                        Listening about the farm chores.

                                                         Darcy enjoying the wagon ride.

                                                          Feeding the horse, Maddie.

                                                     Feeding the donkeys, Jack and Jenny.

                                                 Gunnar and Savannah on the red caboose.

                                                     Zac and Bailey looking at the goats.

                                                                Petting the ducks.

                                                            Jackson petting the duck.

                                                           Jordan shucking the corn.

                                                             Zac churning the butter.

                                                 Jordan and his mamaw on the wagon ride.

                                                                Joey petting the bunny.

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