Friday, October 5, 2012

Tuesday Thursday Trip to Heritage Farm

I wanted to include some of the pictures I had taken at Heritage Farms in case you were not able to accompany your child on the trip. We had a great time at the petting zoo, wagon rides and the barn activities that we took part in.

                                                     Cooper and Susie the silky chicken.

                                                       Penny petting Ruby the bunny.

                                                           Mathias petting a bunny.

                                                 Penny pumping water in the bucket.

                                                             Elliott churning butter.

                                                            Elliott by the washboard.

                                                      Learning about farm chores.

                                                             Sitting in the old house.

                                            The llama trying to give Sunee's papaw a kiss. :)

                                                    Checking out the old country store.

                                                              Mathias on the porch.

                                                             Sunee on the playground.

                                                              Elliott on the playground.

                                                                Elliott petting the turtle.

                                                            Sunee watching the goats.

                                                           Checking out the feathers.

                                                                Milking the cow.

                                                              Elliott pumping water.

                                                             Sunee milking the cow.

                                                     Elliott and Cooper sitting in the house.

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